Int. Workshop on strongly interacting, open many-body systems with the emphasis on the Rydberg atoms physics

Date: 30 September - 03 October 2018

David Petrosyan, Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser (IESL), Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
Michael Fleischhauer, Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern.

Location: Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Workshop website

Workshop Poster

Workshop Programme

A crucial ingredient for realizing various phases of matter is the availability of interactions with different range and strength. Atoms excited to Rydberg states exhibit long-range, switchable, interactions that are many orders of magnitude stronger than the typically short-range interactions between ground-state neutral atoms. In addition, relaxation and dissipation can be introduced in this system in a controlled way. Such systems are thus uniquely suited to simulate and study coherent and dissipative quantum dynamics of strongly-interacting many-body systems. The aim of this Workshop is to bring together renown experts, senior and junior researchers, for a productive and inspiring discussion on the recent progress and future directions of research on open many-body quantum systems using Rydberg atoms and photons.

Topics of the workshop:
- Nonlinear quantum optics with Rydberg EIT and related effects,
- Interfacing and hybridizing Rydberg atoms with other systems,
- Resonant and non-resonant excitation of strongly interacting Rydberg lattice gases,
- Dissipative preparation of correlated photonic and atomic states,
- Molecules of Rydberg atoms.

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